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What is the Avianca Airlines change flight date policy?

 What is the Avianca Airlines Flight Date Change Policy?

Avianca is known for its services which are provided to all its customers to add luxury to their travel journey. In these policies, the best one is the flight date change policy which consists of various useful rules which are useful for all Avianca Airline customers.

Avianca Airlines Flight Date Change Policy

This policy is very useful for all the users who want to get more flexibility in their booking. Here, you will gain the vital details related to the Avianca Airlines Change Flight Date Policy. In this case, the information about various issues is provided to you through the points given below.

  • The flight date change is allowed to finish for free when it is done within 24 hours of booking.
  • To change the date, use the official website or contact its customer service. If you have booked the ticket through a third party, contact them for change.

  • Change the flight schedule for all the passengers in the booking and use them as per your need.

  • The flight change is free till you do it to visit the same destination and fare class.

How do I change my Avianca flight?

  1. Visit the official Avianca Airlines website to open the flight status section.
  2. Enter the essentials details to log in to the essentials section.
  3. Select the Modify Flights button and the flights which you want to change.
  4. Select the new flight’s option and enter its information.

Pay the flight schedule change fee and finish the task to change the date of your flight. If you are still thinking about How do I change my Avianca flight?, contact the customer service team to gain more details to change the date of your flight via online or offline methods of Avianca Airlines.


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